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And Now… More Pandas!

What’s Old?

A few days ago, we went panda spotting in There Are 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, but How Many Pandas Can You Spot? In this post, we brushed up on the concept of subitizing and its importance in everyday life.

Just to recap, subitizing is our innate ability to automatically recognize small quantities, typically up to 4 items, without the need to count. This happens rapidly and effortlessly, within milliseconds of seeing a small group of objects. Larger groups increase the cognitive load, triggering the brain to start counting, which requires our conscious and sequential effort.

Now, the game we played in the aforementioned post is fairly simple. A maximum of nine random pandas flash before your eyes, and all you have to do is detect the number of pandas. However, if you played the game several times in a row, you may have noticed you were getting better and better at it.

Why? Well, the reason is simple, after the initial focus on subitizing, your brain switches its focus to pattern recognition, and you are able to detect patterns more easily. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

What’s new?

You didn’t honestly think that things would stay simple, did you? Of course not! This is why today we’re presenting – more pandas!

That’s right – more pandas. The gameplay is more or less the same as in the previous game. However, this time, you will be presented with a grid containing pandas and bears, each time flashing with a different, random number of pandas. And bears. Your task is to spot all the pandas.

If you are not able to spot the pandas at first, don’t worry – this time, you’ll have to employ various cognitive processes to get the count. This will include subitizing, chunking, and math – yes, math – along with a few other things, sometimes used in a sequence, sometimes simultaneously.

With a little practice, you’ll be able to spot those pandas like a pro!

May you have lots of patience and lots of luck!

How many pandas can you spot? 🐼

How many pandas did you spot?

So, how many pandas did you spot?

Get in touch, and let us know!

If you like this post, game, or just pandas – share the joy with your friends and family.

And remember – keep your mind sharp and your smile brighter. 😉

Creator of all things artsy & craftsy & creative. Teacher, Entrepreneur, Coach. Author of The Essential 52, Mastermind behind PREXcoaching®, Ubiquitous Overlord for close friends.

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